The Republic of Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America, with a population of six million. Its economy has expanded dramatically in the past several years, posting growth of between four and five percent annually. A formerly high inflation rate has been severely curtailed, and debt has been reduced. Its tremendous development potential makes it attractive to many exporters, who are now learning more about how to export from the US to Nicaragua.
Agriculture represents 17 percent of Nicaragua’s GDP, the highest percentage in Central America; together with textiles and clothing, this accounts for the majority of the country’s exports. Mining is becoming increasingly important to the nation’s economy. Managua, the country’s capital, is the third-largest city in Central America, and the economic center of the country. Its population is over two million, and it is home to many large national and international businesses.
Nicaragua’s primary trading partner is the US, which provides 25 percent of the country’s imports and receives about 60 percent of its exports. Roughly 25 wholly or partly owned subsidiaries of US companies operate in Nicaragua. It is well worth the while of entrepreneurs to explore export from the US to Nicaragua.