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Basic information about the port of SALT LAKE

The port of SALT LAKE is one of the sea port in AMERICA where iContainers operate.

Departures and arrivals

Scheduled departures from the port of SALT LAKE

Vessel nameVoyage NumberNationalityDeparture date (aprox)Documents cut-offCut-off
PRESIDENT EISENHOWER0DB7EW1PL19 Jun/202314 Jun/202314 Jun/2023
PRESIDENT EISENHOWER0DB7EW1PL26 Jun/202321 Jun/202321 Jun/2023
PRESIDENT EISENHOWER0DB7EW1PL03 Jul/202328 Jun/202328 Jun/2023

Recent departures from the port of SALT LAKE

There are not recent departures from the port of SALT LAKE at the moment.

Scheduled arrivals to the port of SALT LAKE

There are not scheduled arrivals to the port of SALT LAKE.

Recent arrivals to the port of SALT LAKE

There are not recent arrivals to the port of SALT LAKE at the moment.

Location of SALT LAKE

Country:UNITED STATES Coordinates: Latitude:40.76078 , Longitude:-111.89105
Country:UNITED STATES Coordinates: Latitude:40.76078 , Longitude:-111.89105
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iContainers is a digital freight forwarder based in Barcelona that assists thousands of companies and families around the globe in moving their merchandise internationally.

Our online freight quoting platform has the latest technology in the sector and simplifies ocean freight, quoting and managing your bookings from the same user area.

We work side by side with Shipa Freight to fully cover the demands of our customers.

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