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10 things to consider when exporting- Header.jpg

If the reason that you are thinking about shipping containers is the internationalization of your business or you are about to export and want to know more about how to do it properly, here you have 10 things to consider when exporting.

1. Keep in mind your destination

The first thing you have to do is to adapt your product to the new market. There are little changes that you may have to do in the packaging, in the price, or even in the product itself.

Consider that maybe, the competitor’s product have a similar color or look as you use, or maybe, in the new country your product is more valuated and you can increase the price. Also adapt your communication content to the new market for better penetration and we not only refer to the language. Take care and use the correct way to communicate to your potential clients, most of times, translating it’s not enough.

2. Define your export strategy

It must be clear what, where and why you export to that destination.

The strategy must consider how to take the most from the data you previously researched from the country you are about to export. This will help you to decide wisely about your business and see the points where you have to attack. Be conscious of the product you want to export, be realistic about the market position you want to occupate, the place where your product will be received and its needs. And never forget about the reasons why you are exporting that product to that country.

3. Research, it’s essential!

It is as easy as being informed about what’s going on in the new country you are approaching, your product and your market. This will allow you to make better decissions about your business, save time, money and efforts that will not give you any results. Be wise and look for unknown needs and habits in the new market. Finally, keep asking yourself why things are different in the new market, it may help you in other markets.

4. Look for long-term

Reduce initial expectations and gain confidence and markets. Be consistent. It won’t mean a thing if you just strongly attack once, as customers and collaborators won’t remember you. But they will consider you in a more professional way if you gain their confidence and prove the value of your company in a continuous way.

5. Plan the export business as a continuum

If you plan it as a continuum rather than as a point event, you will reach reliability and a more consistent scheme for your company. Exporting is a complicate process and if you do it once, take the chance to build a new revenue over it.

6. Keep in mind price variables

Export price is a conglomeration of many variables. Keep them in mind and make the opportune estimations before you quote your customers. You need to keep in mind a bunch of factors (currency, taxes, shipping, etc.).

7. Plan export as a part of overall objectives

With this simple key, your company will outperform.

8. Count with your suppliers

They are interested, because indirectly they export their products and assure continuity. Make sure they know that you are doing to expand your company so they may offer you facilities or put you in the head of their important customers.

9. Do not rush

Make sure you have enough resources and do not miss the opportunity when you see the time. Export is a very important step for your business so you will have to think twice if you can’t handle it economically.

10. Soak and research the industry

Look for how it works in other countries or for other business partners. Try to know why your competitors have been taking certain decisions, or why things work differently. Have good relations with your industry partners and ask them everything you don’t know. They will be pleased to share their knowledge and you will have a professional masterclass from who really knows the market.

Image source: Énfasis Packaging

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